Things I Use: Full Focus Planner. Achieve Goals.

This has been my key to practicing personal accountability and achieving my goals.

If you are looking for a way to turn your one-year, three-year, or five-year vision into actionable achievable goals this is it. It keeps me on task, with constant reflections on a weekly, quarterly, and yearly basis. It provides a place for me to return to the center.

Michael has taken a holistic approach to achieve goals and packaged a great system of tools that do not immediately come to mind when setting goals. From pushing daily rituals (or routines, commonly cited as something important to highly successful people) to mechanisms that evaluate the most important next steps, to constant reflection and realignment, he has it down. They are not cheap, but they are worth it. It has become my constant companion.

I enjoy technology, but one of the most important things this brings to me is the focus. Each morning I get to reset, with nothing but pen and paper I plan my day. The focus that brings is surprising. The reward checking off my big three each day is surprising. The sense of guilt for not achieving my big three is surprising.

I have been at this for 18 months now, and I am still learning, revising, and getting better. I never would have thought I would be using this 18 months later.

In reflecting on the goals I have achieved and have not over the last two years, one of the biggest issues that the Full Focus Planner has highlighted is the amount of time it takes to get something done, and the scarcity of time. By constant reflection on the goals I achieve, my “Big Wins,” it also helps me identify what is truly moving the needle and what isn’t, which in turn helps me to refine my life vision.

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