Advice from David Sinclair

David Sinclair advice to a friend was to get in the best physical and mental shape these next couple of months: 

1. Maintain cardio fitness, which will increase capillary and red blood cell counts. Lift weights if possible. Move.

2. Don’t be low in iron but also don’t overdose.

3. Keep taking your medicines unless an MD says to stop.

4. Eat less often during the day. I skip at least one meal, usually breakfast, and eat sensibly at other meals.

5. Avoid super intense exercise or long-term fasting.

6. Take 2500 – 5000 IU of vitamin D3 a day, which doctors say keeps your immune system in good shape.

7. Keep blood sugar levels in check by avoiding sugar and processed grains.

8. Focus on plants. Meats should include fish, preferably on the low end of the food chain to avoid heavy metals.

9. Eat colored plants, either fresh or snap-frozen, and don’t overcook them. They contain xenohormetic molecules that activate cell defenses.

10. Include nuts, avocado, and olive oil in your diet. Oleic acid from these foods will activate SIRT1, the defense enzyme, the same way resveratrol does (fasting also liberates oleic acid from fat stores). 

11. Keep humidity up in the home to maintain airway health and mucus. If your house isn’t humidified, get a humidifier for the bedroom.

12. Turn off breaking news channels. Read a book. Listen to a podcast. Make something.

13. Get sufficient sleep. Consider L-theonine. Avoid screens at night. Avoid big meals and alcohol near bedtime. Download f.lux software to dim the screens. If you use your phone in bed, wear blue-light blocking glasses.