I enjoy using Microsoft To Do but find it challenging to get a weekly overview due to my numerous lists. During my weekly review, I mark tasks I want to complete as important, so they appear in the Important task pane. Tasks from my Reminders or Recurring lists don’t appear there because they lack the important label. (My Reminders list holds tasks and reminders for future dates, while the Recurring list is for weekly or monthly tasks. If I mark them as important, tasks I don’t need to complete for a few months will show up for the current week.) I also want to track my productivity, such as comparing my current task load and task age to my average. Essentially, I need a better dashboard, a goals and productivity statistics app.
Not too long ago I wrote about a Digital Day Planner App idea that looked to provide a dashboard as well as a place to keep track of my goals.
I have a very rough, very beta prototype put together, that you can find here https://Goalzz.me. I hope to find a couple of folks interested in exploring it and giving thoughts on direction.
The only real prerequisite is that you do have to use Microsoft To Do for the app to be effective, as the application plugs into your Microsoft To Do lists to develop average tasks outstanding, ages, etc.
Goalzz.Me, goals and productivity statistics app, Introduction
The app is built to support my process, Digital Planner System with Remarkable 2, and takes the place of writing down my annual goals (although I may still end up writing them up as well for the mental benefit).

The dashboard effectively pulls all tasks marked important as well as tasks with a due date for the next week into the “Tasks Due This Week” pane.

I also created a list in Microsoft To Do called ##Projects##. Which is effectively just a list of projects I am working on. I do this to keep them top of mind and make sure I keep them moving. I also mentally loop through them on a weekly basis. If you create a list titled ##Projects## in Microsoft To Do, anything you add will show up under the projects pane. It will also be excluded from the statistics.
You can then use this Dashboard in your weekly review to make sure you are staying on task. You can also use it in your daily review to plan for your next day
If you try my goals and productivity statistics app you will also note an AI recommendations feature as well as additional pages a “Rules” page and a “Connected Mistakes” page.
As I had mentioned in my previous Digital Full Focus Day Planner Weekly Review post, I try to write down the mistakes I have made in the past week. I then connect them to prior mistakes and broader themes to learn from. Additionally, I have certain rules that I want to live by. The AI recommendation (which uses Anthropic’s Claude LLM) reviews my connected mistakes and rules and give me reminders when it thinks a past mistake or rule may be relevant to one of my current tasks given my goals. Again, this is beta, but I have found its feedback interesting.
Goalzz.Me How to Use
If you are interested in checking it out feel free to signup at Goalzz.me:

Once you signup, you will have to login with the username and password you just established:

You will then be taken to a profile page. You will need to click on “Enable Microsoft To-Do” and hit submit.

Once done head over to the dashboard which will prompt you to access your Microsoft To Do instance and then the app will get to work.
Let me know what you think here. I am very interested in hearing what you need.