I had previously written about my DIGITAL Full Focus Planner on Remarkable 2 using template pages as layers on the Remarkable 2. Certain folks, especially Apple Mac users, have had difficulty loading the templates on to their Remarkable 2’s. In addition, every time there is a Remarkable 2 software update, you have to re-upload the …
Figure Robotics
This will be a running post, tracking progress for Figure robotics general-purpose humanoid. March of 2023: Figure emerges from stealth. May of 2023: Bloomberg interview of Brett Adcock, founder shortly after funding: Brett’s LinkedIn post outlining the last twelve months since startup, is a good story.
Flashing ODRI’s Microdriver V2
I am continuing my test of a single actuator, microdriver, masterboard setup. This post will focus on Flashing ODRI’s Microdriver V2. I ordered my Microdrivers V2 (uDriver) from SEEED , by uploading the following files in order: Production time totaled 26 days. Once received I prepared the uDrivers according to the Open Dynamic Robot Initiative …
ODRI Bolt masterboard, microdriver, and actuator test
My flavor of Bolt includes FDM actuators printed in PETG, machined pulleys I sourced myself, electronic hardware I sourced myself, in addition to the DIY approach to motor shaft assemblies. As such, I have been keen to test ODRI Bolt masterboard, microdriver, and actuator before assembling the complete Bolt to ensure that my manufacturing skills …
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1X Technology Neo Humanoid Robot
About 1X Technologies (formerly Halodi) 1X Technologies a Norwegian robotics company founded in 2015 has a staff of 60. The Company has raised over $36m in seed and series A financing to develop a bipedal robot called Neo. The goal of the company is to create robotics technology that can improve the quality of life …