Based on my last post, I determined MIT’s OpenCourseWare project does not contain a desirable level of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering courses to fulfill a curriculum. Therefore to continue on my path to a free education I decided to look first at basic institution requirements for Computer Engineering and then look for other platforms …
Computer Science and Engineering Curriculum Through Open Courses?
I have been interested in going back to school for some time now, but have been stuck weighing the benefits against additional student debt. I was curious to determine how much of the curriculum could be accomplished through open courses and self-directed learning. I took the EE/CS curriculum, and cross referenced MIT’s OpenCourseWare to identify …
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I Feel The Need. The Need for… C. (Arduino Uno Programming in C)
I read a great post from Balau’s blog related to programming in C with Arduino. It was very helpful, however, as a Windows 8 user I had to make a few tweaks. Download the windows version of the AVR compiler, here and run the exe. Download this copy of avrdude unzip and then …
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3DR Quad C – DIY Kit Roll and Pitch reversed
My first test flight, after assembling my 3D Robotics Quad C kit, ended 30ft up stuck in a tree. It was only afterwords I realized some of my inputs were swapped between my Spektrum AR8000 receiver and my Ardupilot, which switched my pitch and roll controls. Pushing the stick up rolled the quad left and …
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Robotic Arm Catches Objects on the Fly
EPFL researchers utilized a Vicon motion capture system, with reflective markers on the thrown objects, to develop a model while the object is in the air.