I completed assembly of one Open Dynamic Robot Initiative actuator for use in my Bolt as well as prepared the necessary modifications for the TI Launchpad.

Next step was to understand how to use the the Launchpad. I reverted the jumper configuration back to the out of package configuration in order to run the temperature demo application on my Ubuntu 18.04 LTS setup. The goal was to make sure the board wasn’t damaged.
I needed to install putty in order to use as a serial console (I think):
sudo apt install putty
I then needed to determine the development path the the Launchpad dev board, and found this script to run from the command line: https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/144029/command-to-determine-ports-of-a-device-like-dev-ttyusb0
I opened a terminal and ran, where the path was identified by running the scrip above (e.g. ttyUSB0):
sudo putty /dev/ttyUSB0 -serial -sercfg 115200,8,n,1

Good enough.
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