Well, the chip shortage (at least for me) is coming to an end and I need to hand-solder the BOLT custom electronics boards missing components. Mouser has 10,639 on-hand of MAX17502EATB+T, and is expecting 899 DRV83055PHPR by January 2023! My boards and parts are in.

My goal is to build Open Dynamic Robot Initiative’s BOLT built by the end of 2022. I got creative to meet this goal. I had two master boards manufactured by SEEED as well as five uDriver V2s. BUT… The Master Board BOM was not filled completely. SEEED could not source the switching voltage regulator, MAX17502EATB+T, so I did it from WinSource with the intent of mounting it by hand at a later date. Before committing to the plan, I researched the various IC package types for PCBs and how to solder a QFN package with an iron. And said sure I can do that, it’s just one component tiny component. And I mean tiny!

My plan was to get some practice with an SMD solder practice kit before I hand-solder the BOLT custom electronics board.

I did that, however, what I failed to realize was just how small the QFN package was, and that there was a center pad to deal with, which requires a hot air rework station ( I also learned about the approaches to PCB assembly including utilizing a stencil for Hot Air or a solder plate or an oven). After investigating the datasheet it seems as though in this instance the center pad is really a means of heat dissipation, which I am hoping I can forgo as it doesn’t look like there is a sufficient-sized thru-hole to support soldering the center pad from the back of the board.
As of today, the genuine (not the WinSource wasn’t) voltage regulator is available and five will be delivered on Wednesday. At this point, I plan to hand sold and test the Masterboard.