’s Revenue Growth and Ideas from Letters to “Shareowners”

Amazon Revenue Employees Three questions Amazon would consider when making a new hire, excerpted from Jeff Bezos’s 1998 Letter to Shareholders: Will you admire this person? If you think about the people you’ve admired in your life, they are probably people you’ve been able to learn from or take an example from. For myself, I’ve …

Learning A New Skill

Yes this is a fear of having children > I like to learn things > Maybe I should learn the ukulele 1) Deconstruct the skill 2) Learn enough to self correct (get 3-4 books) 3) Remove practice barriers 4) Practice at least 20 hours

Zip Jupyter Notebook

import os import tarfile tarFileName=’currdir.tar’ def RecursiveFiles(dn=’.’,ignoreTarFile=tarFileName): ignore={‘.pynb_checkpoints’,’pycache’,ignoreTarFile} for dirname,subdirs,files in os.walk(dn): if os.path.basename(dirname) in ignore: continue for fn in files: fname=os.path.join(dirname,fn) yield(fname) def makeTarFile(dn=’.’,tfn=tarFileName):,’w’) for name in RecursiveFiles(dn,tfn): tar.add(name) tar.close() makeTarFile()